Decisions on Sharing
On this page I share some of my own materials with visitors. These include my CV, some recent videos of presentations, some conference papers from some time ago (when writing a paper for distribution at a conference was normal practice). I decided on these materials as they are not generally available through other sources. If visitors would like a paper listed in my CV, they can contact me and I'll explore what is possible, given copyright permissions. I will add more in future site updates.
Recent Videos
I want my students to learn science better!
What can I do? Here's 5 ideas.
Alberta Teachers' Association Science Council Conference, 2020.
Metacognition: Developing successful learners in remote learning environments.
University of Alberta: Festival of Teaching and Learning, 2020.
Adopting a reflexive disposition as a
Teacher <+>Researcher to reconceptualize a science teacher education course.
International Conference on Open and Innovative Education, 2020.